Monday, September 1, 2008

Place Write Up

My work deals with evolution and what separates humans from animals.  Walking upright is one of the main differences that makes us what we are.  My video displays my feet moving through different places.  I began to think about these places and how they are different when I am moving through them.  I also thought about how I sort of felt like a different person in each place I moved through. 

 I found it somewhat difficult to keep the camera still while walking.  I'm pleased with the results, but when viewing the video in a large format, the quality is very poor.  I think if I had better equipment I could make a pretty nice piece out of this project.  I would actually like to travel around the world and do something like this.

1 comment:

Jeremiah J. Patlan said...

i think this is an interesting concept. it almost seemed to be an exploration into some sort of evolutionary progression, but i came to appreciate it more as a variation on s theme, and more of an exploration of circumstance.