Friday, September 26, 2008

Write up for Instructional Video

After finding the best shot of me yelling, "Hey, you wanna buy a chicken?" I tried to find the perfect point to loop.  This proved to be quite difficult.  I began by looking for a spot where I was standing completely still.  That was out of the question.  I wasn't standing in the exact same position at the end of the shot as I was at the beginning, so I started scrolling through the clip to find a spot where I was in motion.  After about 5 hours of going back and fourth I finally found a pretty decent connection.  I'm not going to say where the loop begins and ends, because that's all you will see if I tell you where it is.

Editing seems pretty confusing after first but once you get the hang of it and remember what all the buttons do it starts to flow pretty naturally.  I would like to try and make a piece similar to one of Martin Arnold's videos, but I'm sure that stuff is way beyond my skill level at this point.  I'm pretty satisfied with my results.

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